Greetings Louisburg UMC,
I hope that you are having a great week!
Thank you to everyone who helped us kick off the #bettertogetherlumc campaign last Sunday. Our teams are putting together lots of plans for the next 6 weeks, as the campaign ends on Celebration Sunday, October 31. In the next few weeks, you will receive a brochure and pledge card in the mail. In the meantime, if you have questions, please visit our website at and click on the better together capital campaign tab. As part of the campaign, we also have shirts with the Better Together logo and church information for everyone. We are asking for a $10 donation per shirt.
On Sunday in worship, we are beginning a new sermon series called "Not Fake News! The Bible in 2021." Over the next month we will examine the book that is the cornerstone of our faith. We will look at themes like:
"Does the Bible still apply today?"
"If God is love, why is there so much violence in the Bible?"
"Why does the Bible talk about slavery?"
As part of this series, I would invite you to bring your bible with you to church.
To begin this new sermon series, we ask the question, "Can we question the Bible, and can we question God?" I hope that you will join us Sunday!
Wednesday nights are going great! We have dinner and ministries for everyone of all ages. I hope you will join us next Wednesday starting at 5:30 pm for dinner. After the meal, M&M Club, the Adult Bible Study meet at 6pm followed by the Middle School Youth at 6:30, then High School Youth at 7:30. This week the Middle School Youth are serving the food so should report at 5pm. An incredible volunteer is keeping us organized with the menu. If you'd like to help prepare food or your group would like to volunteer to serve the meal, please let us know!
The Hub: Our mission collection this month is for the ministry "
The Hub" in Kansas City, Kansas. We are collecting hand sanitizer and health and beauty products such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, etc.
Pastor Brad