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Greetings Louisburg UMC,
I hope that you are having a great week and enjoying the wonderful weather! When we get to this time of year and we start to see the beauty of God's creation, I'm reminded of Psalm 96: 11-13
Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;
    let the sea resound, and all that is in it.
Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them;
    let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.
 Let all creation rejoice before the Lord...
I have a few updates for you about our church:
1. We announced last Sunday in church that we are hiring a new Associate Pastor! Ed Flener will be joining our staff on July 1. Ed is a Licensed Local Pastor in our conference and has pastored churches in Iola, and Turkey Creek. Ed was a member of Chruch of the Resurrection and found his call to ministry through Rev. Karla Woodward! Ed will be leading discipleship and pastoral care. I know we all look forward to welcoming Ed and his wife Charlotte to Louisburg UMC in July. 
2. Financial update: Through the first quarter of this year, our giving has been higher than our expenses. Thank you to everyone who gave extra toward paying for our furnace update and toward parking lot lights. While the furnace was being fixed, we had the other furnaces inspected as well. The same part was defective in 2 other furnaces. We had to have them both replaced this last week at a cost of $7,500! I will ask once again. If you can give extra to help us offset the cost of these expenses, we would appreciate your support. 
3.Be sure to join us for worship Sunday as we begin our new sermon series "CELEBRATE!" Over the next 3 weeks we have a lot to celebrate. We begin this week with 8 people being confirmed and baptized! Worship will be awesome as we hear from a few of the confirmands and welcome our new brothers and sisters in Christ. On Sunday May 9 we celebrate our moms for Mother's Day, and on May 16 we celebrate graduates. Also, beginning Sunday May 9th, we will be moving the 8:30 service outside for the rest of the summer! 
Pastor Brad



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